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Using TestGen with Windows 10

Has anyone used TestGen or the plugin on a Windows 10 machine? Need to run through BB for student testing.

TestGen Forums: 

We have tested TestGen and the TestGen Plugin on Windows 10 and both work fine. The only cases I've seen where there were issues, were when users had security cranked up not allowing TestGen or the TestGen Plugin to launch.


Testgen no longer works I have white screen. Will not open tests already created or create new one. My testbanks do not show but they are on the computer. I have windows 10 on computer. I have used TestGen since I updated to the free upgrade to windows 10 just fine. help...

We've been looking into this and working on narrowing the issue down. Try this:

Minimize the TestGen window and then maximize it. Does that fix this issue?


I just tried the min/max screen technique and it worked for me to replace the white screen with the .tst file I was trying to view with TestGen 7.6.4 in Win 10.

I have window 10 and I am having 2 issues with testgen that I did not have prior to windows 10.
1. screen rewrites very slowly
2. on the third click to open a book, the chapter and then lesson, an error message comes up saying it has a problem and window in checking for solution and that I need to close program. I have tried different testbanks, restarting etc. and it still is happening.
Can you send me the solution, quickly please?

What version of TestGen are you running? (EG: TestGen 7.6.4)


I have Windows 10 and Windows 7 on various computers. The program works fine with Windows 7 but will periodically "encounter a problem and have to close". It will also not read older testbanks. It converts them to a newer version but the font for the actual questions is wingdings or greek. The titles for each chapter read fine and the font states that it is palatino linotype but it will not display the questions correctly. Newer testbanks will read ok but I still have problems periodically with the program shutting itself down.

Two questions;

(1) What version of TestGen are you running on the problematic Windows 7 machine? (EG: v7.5.3)

(2) What version of TestGen was last used to create the "older" testbanks?


I realized it wasn't clear after I hit enter but I didn't go back and try to clear it up.

7.6.4 currently (Works fine on Windows 7, not on Windows 10). I don't remember what version made the test banks. That was many years ago. I think they were from a textbook we adopted in 1997. I just like the essay questions from that year and didn't want to take the time to make my own.

Hi Scott,

Looks like we need to talk directly with you on this issue. You should contact support through our contact so we can continue.


Are there any support programs (Flash, Java, Silverlight, toolbars) that are known not to allow TestGen to open on win7 or win10 machines? I was recently asked to reinstall TestGen (7.6.4) on some of our staff machines and was surprised to find it does not open after install on win7 or win10 computers. It would open on one win10 computer running in vista compatibility mode but then not on another win10 machine with same settings. Have yet to get it to open on a win7 machine no matter what compatibility settings. The teacher explained it had been working fine for years then stopped all of a sudden. Will other Pearson software conflict as we have other Pearson products.

Hello Richard,

There are no known conflicts between support programs and TestGen on Win7/Win10.

What do you mean by, "It Does not open"? For instance, does it run (verified by program manager) but you can't see the TestGen startup screen/workspace, or does the program not launch at all? Let me know if there are any error messages, or symptoms generated.

You might try temporarily turning down your security settings and launch TestGen. Then turn your security settings back up and try again. Let me know the outcome so I can continue to help you.


Hi Jeff. I only got to work on the problem a little bit today. On the win7 machine it quit working on you can uninstall the program and delete the TestGen folder from Roaming. Run the installer as admin and it will complete installation. Clicking on desktop icon the Pearson screen will open followed by "Windows has encountered a problem and TestGen.exe is shutting down". After that it never opens the startup screen again. When you say reduce security which security settings are you referring to? There are several in win7 and more in W10. Right now I would like to see it run on our win7 machines again. There have been no security settings change by group policy at the time TestGen quit working that I know of. I deleted all programs installed at the time of failure to no effect. Again thanks for any help.

OK. Looks like we are going to need to do some diagnostics on the machine to resolve the issue. Can you send a support request through our contact form. We'll arrange for someone to help you directly.


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