
Home > Menus, Toolbars, and Work Areas > The Standard Toolbar

The Standard Toolbar

The Standard toolbar contains icons that are shortcuts for many of the frequently used functions found on the TestGen menus —File, Navigate, View, Question, and Tools. If the Standard toolbar is not visible, select "Toolbars > Standard" from the View menu.


New - Start a new test or testbank by making a selection on the Startup pane

Open - Open a test or testbank file

Save - Save the test or testbank that is in the active editing window

Print - Print the test or testbank that is in the active editing window


Previous - Display the page or screen that precedes the current page of questions in a test or testbank

Next - Display the page or screen that follows the current page of questions in a test or testbank

Jump - Go to the start of a test page you specify by number

Top - Display the first page or screen of questions in a test or testbank

Bottom - Display the last page or screen of questions in a test or testbank


Test Information (or Testbank Information) - Display a summary of the types and numbers of questions on the current test or in the selected testbank

Calculate New Values - Display a new set of randomly generated number values for all variables in the selected question(s)

Lock Number Values for Question - Keep the same number values that are currently displayed for all variable numbers even if numbers in other items are recalculated

Mark or Unmark as Correct Answer - Indicate the currently selected answer choice as the correct answer for a multiple choice or true/false question (can also be used to remove the correct answer mark)

Pin or Unpin Question/Answer Position - Lock the selected question or answer choice in place so it retains its absolute position even if the order of other questions or answer choices are scramble

Scramble - Randomly change the order of questions and/or answer choices on tests

Sort - Arrange the questions on a test according to the preferences set by the instructor

Assign Point Value - Assign the number of points for the selected question(s) to be used to calculate the total score for a web test


Show or Hide Library - Display or close the Testbank Library at the left side of the TestGen window

Toggle Bimodal Questions - Change the display of the selected bimodal question(s) from multiple choice to short answer format or from short answer to multiple choice format. Also changes the form of Vocabulary questions so that the question (term) and answer (definition) are reversed on a test.