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all answers are selection "a"

How do I have the program mix up the answers. I have selected, "Shuffle answer choices on transfer", but the answer is always, "a".

TestGen Forums: 

It might be helpful for someone to know that I am using version 3.3.

Hi Paul -- Version 3.3 is several years old, but if you have an earlier operating system, the shuffle on transfer option should work. Note that you need to set this option in the Preferences (and possibly restart) before you transfer test items to a test.

One thing that could prevent answer choice shuffling would be if the answer choices are locked: When you double-click the item to open the editor, one or more choices have a closed lock symbol, indicating that they will not shuffle.

If the above hints do not solve the problem, we would need more info to figure out what's going on -- details about which operating system, which testbank, maybe a copy of the test. If you want to provide this information via our Contact form, we can follow up with you to see what the problem might be.  Of course, if possible, we also always recommend that you upgrade to the latest version, 7.4.


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