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Error during 'EnumFontFamilies' call

I installed TestGen App (v. 7.6.4) in my Windows 10 Home version laptop.
I opened the app. Then, a DOS-like window and an error message opened.
The error message says "Error. Messages have been saved to the log file. Do you wish to abort this application?"
The DOS-like window says "

ERROR Error during 'EnumFontFamilies' call
Module "Err " Message 0: file "err.c " line 573
Module "Err " Message -1: file "err.c " line 2049

I clicked "Yes" in the Error message window.
Another window popped up and says "Do you really want to kill the application?", Confirmed, and the application terminates.

I checked and used the administrator privilege.
I tried a different version in which the installing file can be installed and well-used in another computer.
I tried downloading this app in the Program Files (x86) folder and also the root folder under C:\
I tried using different capability versions of Windows, such as windows 7.
I tried the safe mode.
I tried opening all of the privileges and capabilities of the TestGen.exe file to all users.

Nothing could improve this situation and I still cannot use TestGen on my computer.
I checked the font setting in my Windows, nothing strange there and I can use the fonts in my Windows well.

Could you help me? Thank you.



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