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margins smaller than printer allows

When I try to print in TestGen 7.4.5 on a Mac OSX 10.5.7 I get an error message that says some margins are smaller than the printer allows. How do i fix this? I also can't export to a PDF. I get the same error message when I try to do that.

TestGen Forums: 

You just need to fix the margins in "Page Setup":

  1. Launch TestGen and open the test you want to print.
  2. Go to the "File" menu and choose "Page Setup..."
  3. Under the "Margins" section increase your margins for top, bottom, left, right. TestGen defaults to around 0.5 inches, however your printer make require larger margins.
  4. Save your changes and try to print.
  5. If you get the error message, go back to (3) and repeat with larger settings.

Usually the bottom margin requires a bit more margin than the others. For instance, I have mine set to 0.5" on top, left, right and 0.65" on bottom. I'd try increasing the bottom margin first to see if that fixes it.


Thank you very much! It was the bottom margin. I appreciate the quick reply!

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