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No way to retrieve off screen window

I'm using a MacBook Air (Yosemite) with version 7 of TestGen.

I usually have an extra monitor, but am not using it now. My test document, however, doesn't adjust to appear on my screen and I have tried EVERYTHING in order to get it to appear. For most applications, such as Safari, you can use a Zoom command under windows to relocate the window. For others, you can delete the "Saved Application State" file and it fixes it when it rebuilds.

But there is no Zoom choice in TestGen, and deleting the Saved Application State file has no effect on the window location. So I'm stuck. Suggestions appreciated.

TestGen Forums: 

TestGen saves window locations in preferences. Since the last window location was on the second monitor, it is drawing the window "off-screen" where the second monitor use to be. You have two options to fix this:

(1) Borrow a second monitor and move the window back to the main monitor. When you quit/save TestGen will update the location information for the window.

(2) Delete preferences. Keep in mind that this approach will cause TestGen to revert any application-level preferences back to it's default state. You can find TestGen's application preferences here:


Quit TestGen, delete the file noted above, start TestGen. The application window should display in the main monitor window.


I have a similar problem on a windows-based machine. Where would I find the preferences in windows to delete?

Under Windows, there's a different method you can use to retrieve an offscreen window:

If you're running Windows 7 or newer, hover the mouse pointer over the TestGen icon on the toolbar. When a thumbnail view of the missing window pops up, right-click on it and select "Maximize". Exit TestGen to save the new window position in the preferences file, then re-launch TestGen.

If you're running Windows Vista or older, there will be a button for the missing window directly on the toolbar. Right-click on it and select "Maximize". Exit TestGen to save the new window position in the preferences file, then re-launch TestGen.

-- Mark

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