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Creating Test Templates

Here are two tips for those who always use the same layout for their tests:

When you make each choice on the Test Options dialogs, click the Set as Default button to save your choices regarding the test heading, use of answer blanks, spacing, and other options. Then each new test you start will start with the same layout and you will only need to tweak it a little to update the test title.

If you want to use a different test layout for each course or type of test, then set up a template for each different layout. Start a new test and before you add any questions, set up the layout, heading, and spacing. Then save the empty test and give it a name that includes the course name, such as "template-psych101.tst." Create a template for each course or distinct layout. Then, when you need to create a test, open a template, add your questions, and save the test with a specific test name, such as "psych101_ch01-02.tst." Your template remains unaltered and intact, ready for the next time you need a test for that course.

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