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open test bank library
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If you are an instructor
If you are an instructor using a textbook published by Pearson Education, go to the Pearson TestGen web site at and log in using your instructor ID or the login provided in the TestGen documentation. Once at the site, click on the link for "Download Testbanks" and follow the directions on the screen to get to your textbook's web site the list of supplements. Locate the link for the computerized testbank files and download the zip or bok file to your computer. On your computer, unzip the testbank file, if necessary, and then start TestGen. In TestGen, choose "Add Testbank to Library" from the File menu and locate the testbank (.bok) file. When you've added it to the Testbank Library, it's title will be listed and you can click the symbol next to the title to display chapters and questions.